Saturday, August 21, 2010

Road Trip 2010

Man what a trip! We traveled long enough and far enough that we saw 46 different states license plates plus 5 provinces and some weird US government one. Tracking the plates you see is a fun little game that we do on road trips, we even met some other plate trackers.
The first night Trev refused to stop until it was about 11pm and we couldn't find a place to stay. The drive was interesting for the first few days because it took us that long to figured out that it wasn't Mason's diapers that were leaking it was Mason keeping his legs up that made them leak. By the time we got to Denver we had a lot more laundry than I ever imagined we would have after 3 days in the van. This pic is from one stop we made. Mason had run out of clean pants and we were in the middle of no where Wyoming. I fed Maggie while Graydon kept reading his book. Trev and the other 2 kids got out and walked around a little on the pretty little road. Amandine was trying to catch a hopper.