Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Number 5

So I am now 12 weeks along and sick as a dog as always. But we are keeping our eyes on the result. I still can't believe it some days, but then I feel awful and think 'this better be for real'. So grateful for friends who have shown up at my little cries for help and done amazing things to help us get through this part.
The kids have had tons of TV time this summer but what else can I do when the body falls asleep 2 hours after being up? They are also getting good at making sandwiches and ichiban all by themselves.
Well I am too tired to say anymore right now.


  1. Congratulations! I'm sorry you're so sick. That sounds like my first pregnancy--I couldn't get off the couch and I couldn't keep anything down.(Difference was, I didn't have 4 other kids to take care of!) Nothing seemed to help, not even sea bands. I hope you get feeling better soon!

  2. Congrats Amanda! Wish I was there to help you...hope your pregnancy sickness ends soon and that all goes well! Miss ya!
