Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween is for the Angry Birds

So we decided to do our first family themed costumes this year and they way we made everyone happy was by choosing to be angry birds. So I have been working furiously on crocheted hats for each of he birds (and pig) being represented. Once I finished those I had to do a trial run on a couple of faces for the make-up or I probably wouldn't be able to sleep until Halloween.

The only reason this part causes me so much stress is because there was no where out there in the internet world that I could find reasonably good or even a variety of full face angry bird paint. I consider myself a fairly good face painter and good at coming up with things but restrict my time and I am 'stressed out'.

So this is how my trial run on my two youngest turned out. I am still in shock that my two year old let my touch her face with the paint and even let me finish. She is the kid who desperately wants it but as you bring something to her face she freaks out. I am going to make one change for the big day and make her blue color darker. Other than that I think it turned out good and am now ready to tackle 6 faces on Halloween.
Blue Angry Bird
Yellow Angry Bird

Since I felt there was very little (NONE) help out there I will post the other faces for all to use(maybe next year or for some birthday, etc.) when I am done. For now you will just have to be happy with these two and the bazillion red birds you can find 'out there'.

We also having matching shirts to finish the effect. So you can look forward to some great pics shortly.

Happy Halloween!!!

I realized that you might also like what photos I did take of the steps. So here you go:

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