Sunday, January 23, 2011

A DOG!!!!

So we took the plunge this week. We had been looking at dogs for a couple of years now and had not found anything that would work for our family. Then last fall I came across the breed of Havanese and from everything I could find out about them they seemed like the best match for our family. I started filling out online applications to different breeders. Then just this past week one of them had called to say they had some puppies available and after a good conversation/interview it was left at "I'll take a look at the ones you've recommended and talk to my husband and then I'll get back to you." Well Trev seemed okay with what I liked and I called the breeder back the next day and he said that he was coming our way the next day because his mom was ill and that he could bring the pup with him. So suddenly we were getting a puppy and making road trip to Calgary to get it.
When we met the breeder and the pup it was an instant click. I was ready to say no if we needed to because I was not about to make the same mistake I had felt others had made and get a puppy just because it was cute. This little guy just had the right attitude and personality for me (he has even got Trev loving him). The kids of course love him, a little too much sometimes. I especially think it is funny how Maggie tries to reach for him when he's around her. She even got up on her knees for the first time, like she was ready to crawl just so she could be a little closer to him.
Did I mention his name is Bordeaux (said bore-doh)?And he is 3.75 pounds of sweetness. Thank you so much the breeders for taking a chance on a 'big' family of small kids. He is exactly what this mom needs and her family too!!!

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